MobiMind’s DCB Equals Total Peace of Mind

Our Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) platform is a proprietary full Mobile payment solution for Operators, merchants, apps & games’ developers alike.

Its key features are:

  • It provides a full scalable solution that enables Operators to process mobile payments in a secure way
  • It regulates the billing mechanism throughout its SDKs and APIs, allowing the Operators to have a safe methodology with secured algorithms for all their mobile payments, with zero infringement
  • It can be fully integrated with every Operator’s existing billing platform
  • Operators can design the billing process the way they want, and the solution will ensure it gets enforced
  • It integrates PSMS, DCB, direct IN billing, as well as any other billing mechanism adopted by the Operator
  • Game Developers will be able to implement the specific DCB’s SDKs, which allows them to use the Operator’s enabled features in a seamless manner

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us.